"Musings for the Common Man"

(And the women who tolerate them)
The new op/ed collection by Michael Merrett

Author's note - Several copies of 'Musings" were distributed by Xlibris Publishing before I had the opportunity to do a final edit.
Due to my wife Julie's passing and my deteriorating vision, the pre-edited version contained some rather bitter and sarcastic remarks that
reflect the angry state of mind I was in while writing this book. The final version now available on Amazon Kindle has been revised and I apologize
to anyone who purchased one of those trade-paperback copies. Some of the remarks were very uncharacteristic of me and no offense was meant. - Michael Merrett

Musings Cover
Available on Amazon.com Kindle Only.
To borrow a phrase from Henry David Thoreau, do you sometimes feel as though you are living a life of quiet desperation”, unable to clearly fathom what you are supposed to be doing during your tenure here on planet Earth? Does keeping up with daily events overwhelm your brain as it strains to understand why humans behave so irrationally? If so, then this book is for you. You will search far and wide to find a more precise and common sense approach to exploring the secrets of what makes humans tick. You may not agree with the author’s conclusions, irrefutable as they might be, but you will not stagger away from this reading experience without a profound sense of resolve and a strengthened surge of determination to reexamine every aspect of your life as well as everything you have ever believed in. Liven up your parties and social gatherings with this whimsical, thoughtful and controversial look at everything from religion, pornography and Las Vegas to Wall Street, evolution and human desire.
MMA Review called it "Essential sustenance for the curious mind"
"This book really opened my eyes. Most intriguing!"-Jenna Stimpson, Naples, FL
"Really made me think about so many things I once took for granted"-Stan Graham, Austin, TX

CLICK HERE to see a preview chapter.

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